Financial Technology

Financial Technology

June 20, 2013

Asian Financial Institutions and e-Commerce Sites get Security Right

As Internet use skyrockets around the world, the number of security threats to users grows at a rapid rate. The way that companies in countries seeing a newfound boom in Internet use deal with these increased risks, especially those in e-commerce and online banking, can provide a useful example for U.S. institutions facing the same threats. If the method of dealing with security risks works well, U.S. institutions could look toward implementing a similar solution, and if it doesn’t work out, it can provide a lesson on what not to do.

According to payments fraud expert Tom Wills, who was recently interviewed for Bank Info Security, one of the more successful methods being used by financial institutions in Asian countries is the simple involvement of customers in their own security. He claims that in the United States, financial institutions are afraid of alienating customers by involving them in experimental security measures that might not stick around in the long run or turn out to be very popular, but many banks in Asia face no such qualms and have seen their customers become better-protected as a result.

Wills also states that countries such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea are the best countries to use as models, since many other Asian countries still have low rates of smartphone penetration, which makes for a very different security environment.

Mobile security is turning out to be of great importance to banks and e-commerce sites, as it is often cited as potential users’ number one fear about the technology. And as Asia begins to outspend America on e-commerce websites, more innovation will be forced to occur in order to keep these additional transactions safe. Although not all the innovations will be successful, those that are could go on to help secure not only Asian users, but users all around the world.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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